Voting Information

See below for information on how to vote FOR NexPoint’s nominees using the GREEN proxy card. Voting instructions are based on how shares are held:

  • Brokerage Voting: For shares held through a broker / in a brokerage account, see Vote Through a Broker below. Note: Voting processes vary by brokerage firm, so please request voting assistance if you are having issues voting through your broker.
  • Direct Voting: For shares held directly through the Company’s transfer agent, see Vote Directly below.

Your control number for the GREEN proxy card is included in the materials that NexPoint has sent to shareholders. If you do not have a green proxy card or cannot locate your control number, Okapi Partners will provide assistance. (Contact information below under Voting Assistance.)

Yes. Shareholders who already voted with management’s white proxy card can change their vote to support NexPoint’s nominees by submitting the GREEN proxy card. To change your vote you need your GREEN control number located in NexPoint’s proxy materials (NOT the one used for your original vote). Only the latest dated vote will count.

See a list of FAQs for more answers to common shareholder questions: FAQs for UDF IV Trustee Election


Vote Through a Broker

If shares are held through a broker, follow the below instructions.

If you receive materials from your broker by email, you can follow the voting instructions in the email. (Note: emailed proxy materials are sent to the same email address that is associated with your brokerage account.) If you cannot locate the email sent by your broker, try searching the following terms in your inbox: 

If you receive your proxy materials by mail, you can submit your vote by telephone.

  • Locate the control number listed on the enclosed voting instruction form along with the toll-free telephone number. Your control number is the 16-digit number in a box indicated by an arrow.
  • Dial the toll-free telephone number and enter your control number once prompted.
  • Continue to follow the instructions given to complete your vote.  

If you receive your proxy materials by mail, you can complete the enclosed voting instruction form by:

  • Marking your vote;
  • Signing and dating the form; and
  • Returning the voting instruction form using the pre-paid return envelope.  


Vote Directly

If shares are held directly through the transfer agent, follow the below instructions.

Submit your vote online at When prompted, please enter the control number listed on the proxy card included in the package that was mailed to you

Call (866) 763-6519 to submit your vote on a touch-tone phone. When prompted, please enter the control number listed on the GREEN proxy card included in the package that was mailed to you.  

Complete the GREEN proxy card that was mailed to you. After marking, signing, and dating the card, return the completed card in the mail using the pre-paid return envelope included in the materials. 


Voting Assistance

A member of the Okapi Partners team can provide voting assistance:

Note: You may have to request your green control number through your broker. See instructions below.

You may have to request your unique control number for the GREEN proxy card from your broker. (Broker customer service numbers are included in the tab below for main brokerage firms.)

Call your broker’s customer service hotline.

You may be prompted to enter your social security number and/or account number. You may also be prompted to say the reason for your call in a few words. If prompted, please say “proxy” or “proxy voting”.

Request non-management green control number for United Development Funding IV annual meeting.

Tell the representative that you are requesting the control number(s) for United Development Funding IV’s upcoming annual shareholder meeting. Give them the Company’s CUSIP number.

    • CUSIP: 910187103.

It is critical that they provide the NON-MANAGEMENT GREEN CONTROL NUMBER(S).

Customer service representatives tend to only provide customers with the first control number they see, which often Management’s control number. The representative may need to toggle screens within their systems to locate the non-management green control number(s). You may need to instruct them to do so.

Submit vote with control number at 

Once you have these numbers, you can enter them into 

Charles Schwab: (800) 323-4332

Fidelity: (800) 343-3548

LPL: (800) 558-7567

Pershing: (877) 870-7230

Morgan Stanley: (888) 454-3965

Wells Fargo: (877) 879-2495

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